Sunday, June 7, 2009

Space Harvester...almost forgot!

Space Harvester was my entry in last week's WDE....almost forgot about it.....then stumbled on it in that My Pictures folder we all seem to have on our computers, and remembered I said I"d upload if I myself did anything for it...

Being raised a city girl I wasn't sure if it was a combine or a, after listing it's title as Old Farm machinery  I posted the question to my Artist comrades for enlightenment...
....was it to be Space Harvester or Cosmic Combine?

...( my Saskatchewan-born husband knew, but he was out biking )...

A Wet Canvas member also from Saskatchewan told me that the name is linked.... it's actually called a combine-harvester out here in Western Canada....

Any how, this is a photo manipulation to make the turned around C-H look like it should have NCC-001 carved on it's side... Turned into a deep space, dark scene with rust stains turned into comets, and silvery-illuminated metal fixins'...

A commenter said it reminded her of all the man-made space junk we've got floating around our poor little green place....think that articulates it pretty well!

Was thinking in terms of the NOSTROMO space junker in ALIEN...

...and that old SCI-FI TV Show form Britain with that black cat that was turned into a man; RED DWARF......

and SPACE TRUCKERS...and.....


  1. Oh,My goodness! Another voice!
    I had no idea this would happen so soon....Thank-you, Thank-you!
    Forgive me, if I go to bed now....I think I"m in cyber-shock and needs recover...
    But Thanks, again!
